ABC 集團榮獲 全港唯一「劍橋大學出版社教育合作伙伴」
【教育榮譽】ABC 集團 全港唯一劍橋大學出版社教育合作伙伴
我們非常榮幸地宣布ABC集團未來之其一重要發展:我們即將繼續擴大集團旗下之教育服務。自2004年起,劍橋大學出版社(CUP)肯定ABC集團多年來的傑出貢獻和卓越表現,就此委任ABC集團成為其香港唯一認可之「教育合作夥伴(Educational Partner)」,該協議現更授權ABC集團為本港幼稚園及中小學提供全面綜合教育服務,包括:英語課程、教師支援、發展諮詢及劍橋考試。這些認證了ABC集團在提高本港教育水平方面所作出的努力,進一步激勵我們將「快樂學習」實踐成為香港學校的基準。
【Honour in Education】ABC Group CUP’s only accredited Educational Partner in HK
It is with great honour that we are able to announce an important development with regard to the expansion of ABC Group’s educational services. Based on Cambridge University Press’ (CUP) recognition of the many years of ‘outstanding dedication’ and ‘exceptional performance’ of ABC Group as CUP’s only accredited Educational Partner in Hong Kong, since 2004, the agreement has been extended to permit ABC Group to provide kindergartens, primary and secondary schools with comprehensive educational services. These services include English language programmes, teacher support, professional development and examinations. This accreditation serves as validation of the efforts ABC Group has made in increasing educational standards in the territory, and further motivates us towards our goal of making ‘Happy Learning’ the benchmark in Hong Kong schools.